Have you ever wondered if it would be possible to make an independent living selling your expertise? In my book Authority I lay down an end-to-end plan for how to research, write, and publish a book to an excited and profitable audience so you can do just that.
As it turns out, the methods I outline in Authority work extremely well for many people. Luckily I was able to get a few people who’ve had amazing success on a hangout; we talked for a while about their experiences publishing their first books (and earning very impressive revenues from them). Keep in mind that none of these talented folks had big audiences when they started.
This is part 1 of a two part episode showcasing some of our most successful Authority customers. Hope you enjoy!
Show Notes
Build a Ruby Gem – the book Brandon Hilkert launched after reading Authority
Professional Email Design – the latest project by Jason Rodriguez following the success of his first book
The Elements of User Onboarding – this breakthrough book by Samuel Hulick landed him some sweet consulting gigs (and over $37,000 in revenue)
How to make a full-time salary from one book – an article I wrote since this recording outlining what I’ve learned from multiple book launches.
Real people have used the information in Authority to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars selling educational products to their enthusiastic audiences.
Get your copy of Authority to find out how you can too.
Or you can check out what a few people have said about Authority on Amazon.
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