There are a few people that consistently put out such high quality work that I follow everything they do. These are the designers that inspire me to work harder and become even better.
Liam McKay
Liam is a designer from the UK working on WPBundle and IconJar. He was even kind enough to give me an invite to Dribbble.
- Website:
- Dribbble: function
- Twitter: @LiamMcKay
Josh Hemsley
Josh is a designer previously from Oregon, now living in California. He does an excellent design for each one of his posts on
- Website:
- Dribbble: joshhemsley
- Twitter: @joshhemsley
Wendell Fernandes
Wendell creates clean interfaces and impressive icons. Even his icon sketches look really good.
- Website:
- Dribbble: wendellverli
- Twitter: @wendellverli
Tobias van Schneider
Tobias’ iOS designs stand out the most to me. Especially the record player (below). It is just stunning!
- Website:
- Dribbble: tobiasvanschneider
- Twitter: @schneidertobias
Liam, Josh, Wendell, and Tobias: thanks for inspiring me to become a better designer.
To everyone else, you can follow me on Dribbble to see more design work.
Who inspires you?
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