In the previous part of this episode we met three talented people – Brandon, Samuel, & Jason. We chatted a bit about their successes with self-publishing and learned how they used my book Authority as a roadmap for creating and publishing their work.
In this episode, we dig deeper into how each of these fine gentlemen came up with the topics for their books, dealt with technical challenges, and got the word out. They also share several ways in which their lifestyles improved as a result of their successes; you definitely don’t want to miss that section.
Hope you enjoy!
Show Notes
Build a Ruby Gem – the book Brandon Hilkert launched after reading Authority
Professional Email Design – the latest project by Jason Rodriguez following the success of his first book
The Elements of User Onboarding – author Samuel Hulick claims to have botched his book launch, but still managed to land some lucrative consulting gigs (and over $37,000 in revenue)
ConvertKit – a tool I built to help creative people get a landing page up faster so they can build their email lists, launch products, and get more sales.
Real people have used the information in Authority to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars selling educational products to their enthusiastic audiences.
Get your copy of Authority to find out how you can too.
Or you can check out what a few people have said about Authority on Amazon.
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