Two years ago I released Designing Web Applications and it was a crazy success. Receiving rave reviews and making over $50,000 in the first month of sales. It went on to help hundreds of designers and developers create better experiences for their users.
Now, it’s time to update it. A lot has changed in two years, so I updated the book for a second edition. You can buy it here:
Designing Web Applications — 2nd edition
If you purchased the first edition, check your email for a discounted upgrade link.
Have questions? This might answer them… If not, post a comment or send me an email.
So, who’s it for?
I wrote the book for…
- Developers who know that design is important, but don’t know where to start.
- Designers who know their way around a design tool, but don’t know what makes a good user experience.
- Project managers who want to be able to make valuable contributions to their product, but don’t aren’t trained as designers or developers.
- And anyone else who works at a software company and wants to know how to better delight their users.
How much does it cost?
The complete package, which includes the book, resources, course videos, and all the interviews is $249 (though you can get it 20% during the launch).
Now, I understand not everyone wants to spend that much, so I made two smaller packages. These aren’t what I would consider the full-product, but you’re still going to learn a ton.
The Book + Videos is $99 (on sale for $79). It includes most of the resources and about half the tutorials and interviews. And of course, the full book.
Finally, you can get just the book for $39. If you’re on a budget, this is a great option.
When you see the sales page tomorrow these options will make a lot more sense.
That’s really cheap/expensive! (And any other comment on price)
This is a book written for professionals. People who’s work has a big impact on the revenue of the companies they work for. Meaning a better experience for customers can seriously reduce churn and increase happiness.
If you think this training is expensive, it’s probably not for you. If you think it’s really inexpensive, enjoy the good deal.
That said I do understand that many freelancers are just getting started and on a budget. That’s why I created the lower priced packages. :)
When does the sale run?
The launch discount starts on Wednesday the 11th at 1:00 PM Eastern and runs until Friday at 5:00 PM Eastern. It will be 20% off each package. So if you buy the complete package you’ll save $50.
I’ll send a couple emails with more training and samples from the book.
That’s the basics… do you have a question?
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