Poor design is crippling your growth

Your software may look good on the surface, but small issues add up to make your visitors less likely to purchase and customers less likely to refer their friends.

Here are a few symptoms that point to underlying design issues:

  • Too many support requests.
  • Customers cancel saying you don’t have features that you actually do have.
  • Most trial users never become successful customers.
  • Advanced screens require tutorial videos or hands-on training before they can be used.

Those are all signs that your software is less than perfect. Even if you hired a designer to put a pretty interface on it, those symptoms all point to underlying user experience issues. Issues that are costing you users, customers, and revenue each month.

Designing a great experience requires getting a thousand small details right.

Those details are hard to notice when you and your team are so close to the project. Without the trained eyes of a trusted advisor you may be missing critical issues. You need an outsider to provide an objective opinion and point out exactly which issues are having the biggest impact and provide a roadmap towards fixing them.

Great experiences feel effortless. The extra steps are cut out. Designs are clear, buttons are easy to find. The process will go so smoothly that the customers won’t think anything of it.

Hiring a Director of Design or User Experience is expensive.

Hiring someone to lead your design team and provide the necessary level of expertise is going to cost at least a couple hundred thousand dollars per year. And that’s just salary. Once you factor in their fully loaded costs, you need to add at least another hundred thousand dollars per year.

The next problem is that you’ll need to steal this person away from another company. No one this good is actively looking for work. They are either making a comfortable salary at Google or Facebook or working to build their own startup.

What if you could have the expert guidance you need without having to poach talent or spend $200,000+ a year?

That’s where I come in.

Here’s how we’d work together

Each week you and your team will get my undivided attention for one hour to discuss and solve your pressing design issues. Then in the following weeks I’ll help you review designs and solve additional problems that come up during implementation.

Here are a few examples of problems we’ll solve together:

  • Helping your team determine how a complicated new feature can be integrated simply into a UI.
  • Planning a new onboarding experience to help retain more trial users.
  • Optimizing the signup process to turn more visitors into users.

Costs and options

This service is a $5,000 per month subscription (paid by credit card). That includes a one hour call with your team each week and guidance to help your team implement the changes.

If you want more frequent access for design reviews and feedback between sessions, that is available for $8,000 per month.

Let’s talk

In order to see if we’re a good fit for each other, I’d like you to answer a few questions.  After I get your answers, I’ll be in touch.


Let’s start the conversation


I’m looking forward to helping you use great design to grow your company.

-Nathan Barry
